The conversation was nothing new or out of the ordinary, but there was a weight in the words that felt different.

She was overwhelmed and tired and feeling like she was giving her all and still coming up short. I’ve been there. If we’re honest, we’ve all been there. But I felt the desperation dripping from her lips and it was toxic, which was unlike her usual self. A resignation emanated from her body and I could palpably feel her soul capitulating.

Mayday, mayday! We’re loosing her. Begin resuscitation! 

That’s literally what I heard going through my head. She needs to breathe. Yes, it sounds crazy, I get it. But in that moment I saw the enemy sucking the living breath from her being and I knew something had to be done.

Listen, some people have the gift of compassion and mercy. As in, if we were in the emergency room and someone was dying, they would grab their hand, sing them a psalm, and usher them into heaven in peace. I ain’t that person. 

I’m the girl in the emergency room who is screaming, “Code blue! Code blue! Start resuscitation. We’re not loosing anyone today! Let’s open a can of WhoopArse and get this party started.” If there’s a spiritual gift for this mania, it would be The Gift of Punching People In The Face for Jesus. I’m sure you can find it somewhere in the gift list in 1 Corinthians 12. [I kid, I kid, Internet!]

In the course of the conversation with my dear friend, I realized that the listlessness she was feeling came from an empty place of her soul. Prodding and poking led to the admission that she was breathless and out of energy on the road of life. The vision she thought she had, the plans she made, the destiny promised her her felt like nothing more than a far away land.

[Insert Holy Spirit Revival Here]

This conversation birthed a chain of events in my heart and mind that spawned the question of whether or not we understand Spirit-filled living. Because honestly, we can talk about the Holy Spirit, we learn about the Holy Spirit, we can debate the validity of the Holy Spirit, but something changes when we invite the Holy Spirit to reign in our life. We can breathe.

We can talk about purpose driven lives or callings given by God or destiny that awaits, but I’m going to make a large statement and say that we cannot achieve our fullness or operate within the grace we have been given IF we don’t have the Holy Spirit guiding us. I want believers to have a proverbial Acts 2 experience where a mighty wind breathes life into our hungry souls.

So that’s what we’re going to do! I’ve been working with my mom and her fabulous team of ladies from CCM to outwork a vision for resuscitation. Can I get an amen? I’ve invited some of my amazing friends to join me as we teach on, preach about, exhort through the understanding of the Holy Spirit, and how our lives can be different because of this power.

Havilah Cunnington’s official title should be Holy Ghost Terrorist because this woman is ANOINTED. F’real. She’s a woman of the word and incredibly prophetic with a great way to break down how we can discover the spiritual gifts God has given us. Evan Wickham has the voice of an angel… or butter. I love both. He’s not only going to leading worship with his full band, but he’s also teaching on the power of the Holy Spirit through worship.

Honestly, I’m tickled pink to have them with me and EXCITED that I can officially invite you to Los Angeles for a day of worship, the word, fellowship, and a time of seeing the hand of God move supernaturally over our lives.

Breathe in the Holy Spirit. Breathe out power.

The 411:

  • Saturday, May 31st, 9:00am-3:30pm
  • $25 pre-sale, $30 at the door [lunch included]
  • Location: Calvary Chapel Montebello
  • Worship, four teaching sessions, Q+A panel, and much more

If you have questions about the gathering or questions about the Holy Spirit, feel free to list them and we will add them to the mix. 


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