Maybe it was because I read too much as a kid. Maybe it was because I have a vivid imagination. Or maybe it’s because I’m dramatic. Either way, I can’t help but read narratives of the bible and be carried away with the vivid scenes.

I like the teach the bible the same way… like it’s a movie but the theater is in our mind.

This past Sunday was Palm Sunday. It’s like the red-headed stepchild from Easter—we acknowledge it, but don’t really own it. [If I’ve offended any red-headed stepchildren out there, please know I have two stepkids who I adore and would love a red-headed child. So there.]

I had the distinct privilege of teaching on Palm Sunday this past weekend. We excavated John 12 to get a sense of what this day meant prophetically and how we, like those of ancient days, could fall prey to just being another face in the crowd.

Passion Week is one of the most exciting weeks for Christians. Though the message barely touches the amazing things Christ did during the week before His crucifixion, my hope is that our hearts and minds are calibrated to love Jesus more, thank God for his Son, and remember that Jesus paid it all.

May the words of scripture seep deeply into our heart and pour deeply out of our souls. 

In light of this holy week and the characters who saw Jesus, tomorrow I’m going to be highlighting a man named Simon who happened to be at the right place at the right time when so many others thought it was the wrong place at the wrong time. Stay tuned for the story!


To listen the the Palm Sunday message, click HERE.

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