public displays of [church] affection…

public displays of [church] affection…

Before anyone gets out a red letter and sows it to my chest, I would like to make a case, state the issue, and let the jury decide. [Maybe it’s my inner forensic nerd coming out, but my secret dreams of being the District Attorney for Law & Order SVU are...
IF gathering podcast…

IF gathering podcast…

Yassas and Здравейте to all my fine American friends! It’s been a crazy couple weeks with work and my goal was to blog all about it while I was in Greece and Bulgaria, but as the computer gods would have it, my computer died. Well, it was dead to me and...
today’s christian woman…

today’s christian woman…

Titles are weird. I’ve written about my feeling towards door posts and name placards before, and titles fit in that same category. How do you synthesize everything you are into a twitterized blurb about what you do? A couple weeks ago I was interviewed by...
on being known…

on being known…

What does it mean to be known? Like, really known. I can tell you that I’m Hispanic and like almond butter, but would you know me? I’m a twin and according to my parents, my sister and I had a language that only we knew. We spoke in jibberish and she would say...
styling, stitchfix, and speaking…

styling, stitchfix, and speaking…

Have you ever walked into your closet and prayed? I’m not talking about a spiritual-retreat-from-the-world type of getaway, but a sad look at your clothes and prayed for God to do a miracle? Look, I know first hand that there are greater issues in the world. The...

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